Cameron And Brody's Bar Mitzvah

Bar Mitzvah

April 13, 2024

About Us

If you have been with us from the beginning, you know what an amazing accomplishment it is that we are here, becoming a Bar Mitzvah.

We were born very, very early 13 years ago and fought for our little lives, and sight, for years. The doctors didn't know if we would ever walk, talk, see or breathe on our own.
Our prematurity path was incredibly difficult.

Celebrating our Bar Mitzvah with us is not only momentous because it marks a special time in a young Jewish boy's life, but our Bar Mitzvah in particular is a celebration of our lives... a celebration that we are here, healthy and able.

We have proven time and time again that there is nothing we can't do and our commitment to studying for the last year for this day has been
no exception to that rule.

We are twin brothers and best friends.
What one lacks, the other is right there to help out with.
What one excels in, he teaches the other and supports his work.
While we are usually a package deal, we also have likes and personalities of our own.

Brody is "The Mayor" wherever he goes.
He is just great at making people feel liked and seen.
Brody is an incredibly nurturing and sensitive kid with a heart of gold-an empath by nature. He sees no differences in people and has love for all creatures.
Basketball obsessed would be an understatement.
He's usually the smallest guy on the team but he no doubt works the hardest to be a worthy competitor and earn his respect. His attention span is short, but his focus on being the best he can be at the game is unwavering.
Though his voice is quiet, Brody's personality and fashion sense are loud and proud.

Cameron is inquisitive and quick witted.
He doesn't open up right away with new people, but when he does, he is a totally different kid. He is really funny and thoughtful and insightful. Cam has a dry sense of humor which goes right along with his older than his age precociousness.
Cam is incredibly driven by good grades and has aspirations of being
the CEO of his own company one day.
Shy in most situations, but he is a rock star on stage when playing keys in his band at School of Rock. He's so fun to watch bopping to the music he is creating and eating up the attention of his adoring fans.

Both boys are aspiring coders. One day they will put all of that technology addiction to good use to create an app to help others with special needs.

What to Expect

Bar mitzvah ceremony consists of a number of traditional rituals, including the reading of the Torah, the giving of a speech about their portion and how he will apply it to his own life, and assisting the Rabbi and Cantor in leading the prayers.

The morning ceremony lasts about an hour and a half.

Since the synagogue is a place of worship, it is appropriate to dress nicely for the service. Modest and respectful attire requested. Men and boys usually wear a suit or slacks and a button down. Women and girls often wear dresses or pant suits. It is customary to have shoulders covered in the sanctuary.

A few other things to familiarize you with if this is your first Mitzvah...
KIPPAH (HEAD COVERING) A kippah is worn during the prayer service as a sign of respect and reverence. Please take one to wear in the sanctuary and feel free to take it home with you as a keepsake from our special day.
SIDDUR (PRAYER BOOK) The prayer book is written in both English and Hebrew and includes Hebrew transliterations. Since Hebrew is read from right to left,
the prayer book opens accordingly.

The Rabbi will indicate when to stand and sit. Rule of thumb is when the Ark is open, the congregation stands. The Ark is where the Torahs, sacred scrolls, are kept.

A gentle reminder to please turn off or silence your cell phones before
entering the synagogue.


You will have some time during the day to rest up for the party...
and you will want to rest.

The evening will be full of lots of food, fun, dancing and games.
We will celebrate BIG. If you haven't been to a Bar Mitzvah before,
prepare yourself for a night you will never forget.

Attire is cocktail and kicks (if you choose to go with kicks).
The fam will be decked out if you're up for dressing in your best too. After all, this day only happens once in a boy's life so live it up with us.


Shir Ami Synagogue

101 Richboro-Newtown Road Newtown, PA 18940

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early


Beat Street

77 Buck Road
Huntingdon Valley, Pa 19006


Share Your Memories

Upload some pics or videos you took that day and share them with us for the file.

or Scan QR code

Password: CamBro41324